9:00 am
10:30 am
Join us for a guided tour of both resident and migrant birds in the Garden’s many bird friendly micro habitats. Limited to 10 participants. Pre-registration required. This walk follows uneven terrain, with areas of paved and unpaved trail. For accessibility inquiries about the Garden and tour, please email gardenprograms@berkeley.edu.
Please note: There is a small, paid parking lot across the street from the main Garden entrance. Parking is $1.50 per hour. For directions and more information on parking options, visit: https://botanicalgarn bbden.berkeley.edu/parkinganddirections
Leader: TBD
Registration will open at 1 pm on Friday, September 29 and it will close at 11pm on Thursday, October 12

12:00 pm
5:00 pm
Make a bird zine with Bay Area Queer Zine Fest! Zines are DIY magazines that anybody can make and publish – we’ll guide you through the process of transforming a plain piece of paper into a bird-y minizine that you can share with friends and family. Reference books, collage materials, and art supplies will be provided.
Times: Please register at the link below and choose one of five time slots; 12 to 1pm, 1 to 2pm, 2 to 3pm, 3 to 4pm, or 4 to 5pm
(or, if you missed the registration period, just drop in to see if there’s a seat available when you arrive – check in with any BBF staff member in a blue BBF t-shirt when you arrive on the Terrace).
Location: 2nd Floor Terrace, David Brower Center, 2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94704
Please note: this is an outdoor event.
Registration will open at 1pm on Friday, September 29 and close on October 14 at 11pm.
Please only choose one event session to allow room for others to register

2:00 pm
3:30 pm
We’ll meet in front of the Tilden Nature Center. We’ll walk around the grounds and check out the “Little Farm”. We’ll look for Wild Turkey, Barn Swallow, Hermit Thrush, Stellar Jay, Black Phoebe, Oak Titmouse, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Brewers Black Bird, Red-shouldered Hawk! Easy to moderate walk.
Leader: Patricia Henry
Registration will open at 1 pm on Friday, September 29 and it will close at 11pm on Thursday, October 12

2:00 pm
3:00 pm
Meet in front of Shorebird Nature Center, We’ll travel along the coast toward Seabreeze market then back up through the Berkeley meadow, through the marina to the pier. Then back to the Nature Center. Birds we’ll look for are: Black-Crowned Night Heron, Western and Least Sandpiper, Snowy Egret, Great Blue Heron, Western Gull, Wild Turkey, Willet, Audubon’s Warbler, Turkey Vulture and Marbled Godwit.
Easy, flat and accessible.
Leader: John Poole
Registration will open at 1 pm on Friday, September 29 and it will close at 11pm on Thursday, October 12

12:00 pm
4:00 pm
Learn about the Peregrine Falcon pair that nest each spring on the Campanile! Play a fun falcon game. Watch a live video feed from Hawk Hill in the Marin Headlands and get your questions about the annual autumn hawk migration and count answered.
Noon to 4 p.m.
Plaza near the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. Click here for a Google Maps link or here for a printable map.